Mobile Shoes Store

BBS.Shoes Mobile Application

This project involved the development of iOS and Android mobile applications for an online shoe store.

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Results Achieved

  • 2 applications (1 API, 1 UI/UX), 1 approach
  • Simple and User-friendly UI and UX were developed by Apro
  • An advanced management system for mobile catalogs was implemented
  • Wired-range devices and screen resolution support



  • Android
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Swift (only for iOS)



E-commerce is now an essential component of any business, even for small and medium-sized companies.

The project developed for the BBS.Shoes brand concerned the creation of an iOS and Android app to manage their online store.


What the client required

Our client needed mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. These applications had to be extremely user-friendly for customers, taking into account that many of them have old devices.

In addition, the apps had to use the same API of the brand website “”.


How we did it

The system was developed by a team of 6 people (iOS Developer, Android Developer, PM/Analyst, Graphic designer, and two QA engineers).

Our client received the mobile applications and the back-end part within 4 months.

One of the most challenging parts of the project was the integration between the app and the company’s invoice, payment, and backorder systems.

bbs shoes mobile app UI main

What we have implemented for our client

  • Articles catalog with filtering and searching options
  • A single article view with adjustments for API data fields
  • Shopping cart with payments integrations
  • Advanced delivery preferences
  • A user account with Invoices and Backorders management
  • A special registration and login process synchronized with the main website


bbs mobile app catalogue UI
bbs mobile app UI


The client has received mobile applications and backend part within 4 months developed by a team of 6 people (iOS Developer, Android Developer, PM and Analyst, two QA engineers, Graphical designer)

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