Mobile App

Mobile App – Car Park

Mobile hybrid (Android & iOS) application for cars parking for a smart city.

car traffic density  forecast ai

Aim of the Project

● Simple, smart & powerful parking app for citizens
● Reliable app for parking agents


Results Achieved

● iOS and Android app
● Integration with a smart-city environment and 3rd-party APIs


Main Technologies

● For Mobile: Xamarin Hybrid Framework (Android and iOS)
● For UI/UX: Figma (for UI/UX and interactive prototyping)


The Car Park app has 2 applications inside

● Citizen app. It helps users with each step in the parking process: to estimate free spaces, to find an exact place in indoor or on-street parking, to build a route to it, to pay and control parking time, to prolong, and to get detailed info about parking (existence an electric cars charger, shower, WiFi and so on)

● Agent app. This app helps agents to control parking time and free spaces


The UI/UX design was developed by APRO:

car parking app


What Apps Can Do


Citizen App:

● Suggest an optimal parking place taking into account:
○ The parking capacity and available places
○ Parking features (on-street / indoor, electrical charger, WiFi, etc)
○ Pricing and opening hours and so on
● Build an optimal path from your position to a parking place with on-route assistance
● Unified and secure payments management in a user account
● Smart time trackers and notifications to prevent fines
● App has integration with a smart-city ERP

Agent App:

● It helps to control parking time and capacity using convenient UI and license plate recognition technologies
● The app builds an optimal path between parking places taking into account their mobility (walk, by bicycle, by car)

Main Sources of Benefits

● The main advantage for Citizens is they can manage and control all their parking activity in one place and track all the aspects of it
● The main advantage for Agents is they have a reliable tool for parking control and they can check the situation from the Citizens’ point of view via the same app
● In other words: the one app – two roles – two platforms

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