Web Application

Web Application Service for Lending to Dental Patients

iCreditWorks web application service for lending to dental patients.

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Aim of the Project

●  Creating a web service for an American customer engaged in crediting dental patients


Results Achieved

● Web service was made to all standards and delivered on time


Main Technologies

● For the development of the Front-end was used Angular 9
● Node.js and MySQL 5.7 databases were used for back-end development


What the System Can Do

● Registering in this web service, the user has the opportunity to leave an application for a loan, stating all the necessary information
● Get all the information about the interest rates on the loan and choosing the most appropriate option for him


Main Sources of Benefits

● Dentists get a satisfied patient
● Users of this app are doubling their needs right now and don’t spend a lot of time processing at the bank
● The customer’s company makes a profit
Therefore, our client can now perform tasks much faster, cheaper and better than his potential competitors. This project was the first step in transforming our client’s business. The system gives our client really significant benefits, and the project itself will pay for itself in the shortest possible time.



lending web application
loans to dental patients app
loans app
4 lending web service

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